Responsive website implementation.
This project was to take a close look at how to make the existing website into a seamless responsive implementation for tablets. The solution was a combination of existing CSS framework and a great staff of developers internationally.
What I am showing here was the lo-fi wireframe building blocks it took to show how the site will change with this new format. This project it involved 2 major development efforts and 6 profit center stakeholders
User problem/objective
Major issue here was that clients could not access their account information on a tablet device. Seems fairly basic for a multi billion dollar company to ‘miss’ that functionality on their website design. Due some major privacy and security restrictions they failed to incorporate a responsive framework at some point and had little idea how to do so. My goal was to present the various tools and framework for building out a responsive site. They also had some new features they wanted to incorporate so it was a two major web overhaul project.
My personal course of action
I first took a very close look at their existing site on various devices, to point out clearly where the problem existed and started researching the latest responsive frameworks in the market to see which if any could provide the security level needed with such a large organization. I then went to work on finding and meeting with the various stake holders for the specific areas of the site and who was responsible for providing the approvals needed for a re-design. As you can see from my examples above, I provided various examples of how the site could be re-designed to fit all areas of the site in a new ‘tablet and mobile’ friendly way. The emphasis however was much more on tablet than mobile, so that’s where I focused the bulk of my design efforts.
Results/project outcome
After delivering final wireframe solution in a final presentation format it was approved my management and handed off to internal visual design team for final asset creation and development implementation.
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